Gertrude Mthombothi has used the capital, training and support she has received from Phakamani to expand her spaza shop into a stronger business that offers her community more of the items the residents need and want. This is a very good thing as Gertrude supports eleven people with the money she generates working as her own boss. With so many to provide for she is grateful that growing her business has allowed her to save for the children’s school and health costs and put some money away for a rainy day. Gertrude has also recently been able to purchase a bed and kitchen unit for her home.
She has plans of growing her business and moving it into a more permanent structure. She also wants to plaster the walls of her home! As Gertrude said, her business “has already improved a lot but she wants to improve it even more.” Phakamani remains honored and proud to be able to partner with women such as Gertrude.