Maria joined Phakamani in April of 2014 and recently paid back her fourth loan. She has always been hardworking and industrious but fell on hard times when she was forced to move off the land she was farming. By partnering with Phakamani she was able to start over at her home. She grows vegetables and buys and sells pick-nuts to meet local demands in her village and within the community nearby.
Although Maria does not employ anyone else yet her small business supports nine people in her family. With the money she has made she has been able to convert her iron zinc roof to one of strong tile. She is not stopping there. Marie envisions a future where she is able to send all her kids to university. Marie recently told Phakamani, “I want to see my home become big and to buy a car and send my kids to university.” Since working with Phakamani Maria has been able to save towards that vision.